Slow Down

What does it mean to slow down? 

We often worry about the future, or fret about the past.  Slowing Down allows us to be present here, now, giving us the opportunity to breathe, notice and imagine. To be deliberate in our thoughts, our actions, our desires.


Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Repeat as needed. Your body can’t be stressed and relaxed at the same time. Simply taking a few deep breaths like this can let your body know it’s OK, you’re not being chased by a tiger, and restores calm and relaxation to your body.



Close your eyes. Take a minute to notice everything around you, wherever you are.  What do you hear? Notice the most dominant and the softest sounds, the closest and the most distant. What do you feel? Notice the temperature of the air, the weight of the clothing on your skin or the hair on your neck, the heaviness of whatever body parts are resting on your seat. What do you see? Even if your eyes are closed, notice the colors, images, or just darkness inside your eyelids. What do you taste?  Notice any taste in your mouth, even if you’re not eating right now.  What do you smell? Notice any scents on you or your surroundings. Allow this to ground you in the present moment. Right here. Right now.



Imagine you have all the resources, skills, and education do live the life of your dreams.  What does that FEEL like?  How do you spend your time? Where are you living? Who is with you?  How are your finances?  Where do you vacation? How's your health? Do you have a spiritual practice? Take a few minutes and begin to create your ideal future.


Schedule your Slow Down to Get Ahead Clarity Session Today